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Business Mathematics Practice Tests

Business Mathematics Online Tests

Linear Objective Function Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Linear Objective Function Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Linear Objective Function MCQ PDF Book) to learn online mathematics degree courses. Practice Linear Programming: An Introduction Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Linear Objective Function quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. Free learning app: Linear Objective Function MCQ App Download & e-Book for linear objective function, introduction to linear programming, mathematical programming test prep for accredited online business schools.

The MCQ: Feasible region's optimal solution for a linear objective function always includes; "Linear Objective Function" App Download (Free) with answers downward point, upward point, corner point and front point for online certificate programs. Study linear objective function quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for master's degree in business administration.

Linear Objective Function MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The feasible region's optimal solution for a linear objective function always includes

A) downward point
B) upward point
C) corner point
D) front point

MCQ 2: The objective function solution set containing points which has no bound over it is considered as

A) multiple point solution
B) single point solution
C) unbounded solution
D) bounded solution

MCQ 3: In profit objective function, all the lines representing same level of profit are classified as

A) iso-objective lines
B) iso-function lines
C) iso-profit lines
D) iso-cost lines

MCQ 4: In profit objective function, all the lines representing same level of profit are classified as

A) iso-objective lines
B) iso-function lines
C) iso-profit lines
D) iso-cost lines

MCQ 5: The objectives such as minimizing the total transportation cost and the total delivery are classified as

A) ordination models
B) transportation models
C) destination models
D) origins models

Business Mathematics Practice Tests

Linear Objective Function Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Linear Objective Function MCQs App to learn Linear Objective Function MCQ, Business Mathematics Learning App, and Marketing Management MCQs Apps. Free "Linear Objective Function" App to download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Linear Objective Function App (Android & iOS)

Linear Objective Function App (Android & iOS)

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