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Kula Ring Questions and Answers PDF Download 45

Practice Kula Ring trivia questions and answers, kula ring quiz answers PDF to solve human diversity mock test 45 for online degrees. Practice An Introduction to Anthropological Thought trivia questions and answers, kula ring Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to learn online bachelor degree courses. Free kula ring MCQs, lineages, clans and residence rules, tylor's contributions to the study of primitive religion, the british classical evolutionist, marriage as group alliance, kula ring test prep for online certificate programs.

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Trivia Quiz on Kula Ring PDF Download 45

Kula Ring Quiz

MCQ: In economic anthropology, redistribution, as a principle of exchange, includes

  1. Big men and feast givers
  2. Bride wealth
  3. Potlatch
  4. All of the above


Marriage as Group Alliance Quiz

MCQ: In anthropology a marital exchange in which the wife's group provides substantial gifts to the husband's family is called

  1. Dowry
  2. Property
  3. Home
  4. Both A and B


The British Classical Evolutionist Quiz

MCQ: According to anthropologists which of the following groups were supportive of the French Revolution during in the year?

  1. Tories
  2. Republicans
  3. Liberals
  4. Radicals


Tylor's Contributions to the study of Primitive Religion Quiz

MCQ: In an Indian family the parents prepare their daughters to be a good wife, daughter in her in-laws home, this is an example of

  1. Socialization
  2. Re-socialization
  3. Adult socialization
  4. Anticipatory socialization


Lineages, Clans and Residence Rules Quiz

MCQ: In kinship anthropology nuclear family in which one is born and grows up is called

  1. Family
  2. Culture
  3. Social gathering
  4. None of the above