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French Colonialism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 132

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The MCQ Quiz: According to the writer the end of the feudal systems that defined the European Middle Ages was primarily caused by; "French Colonialism " App APK Download (Free) with answers the demands of serfs for wages in coinage, the arrival of the black death in 1300, the emergence of trade and a middle class of merchants and disruption of traditional trade routes such as the silk road for online bachelor's degree. Study colonialism and development questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online college courses.

French Colonialism Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 132

MCQ 656: According to the writer the end of the feudal systems that defined the European Middle Ages was primarily caused by

  1. The arrival of the Black Death in 1300
  2. The demands of serfs for wages in coinage
  3. The emergence of trade and a middle class of merchants
  4. Disruption of traditional trade routes such as the Silk Road

MCQ 657: Coordinated research by multiple ethnographers are called

  1. Key informant
  2. Data collectors
  3. Team research
  4. All of the above

MCQ 658: One of the practices of Buddhism is to

  1. Follow the Five Pillars of Faith, including travel at least once to Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  2. Meditate and say mantras from one of the holy books
  3. Be baptized as a baby
  4. Take communion, bread and wine, from a priest

MCQ 659: In which century, Europe established regular contact with Asia, Africa and eventually the New World and Americas

  1. 20th century
  2. 15th century
  3. 21 century
  4. None of the above

MCQ 660: Miss saigon incident demonstrates, racial classification is a issue of

  1. Social issue
  2. Political issue
  3. Linguistic issue
  4. Culturaly issue

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