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Anthropology Basics Practice Test 8

Cultural Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 8

Free Cultural Anthropology MCQ Questions and Answers, cultural anthropology MCQs with answers PDF, test 8 to study online Anthropology degree programs. Solve Cultural Quiz Answers PDF, cultural anthropology Test for online learning. Free certification app: Cultural Anthropology MCQ Quiz App Download & e-Book for kinship of anthropology, cultural anthropology test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

The MCQ Quiz: Concept of cultural materialism was given by Marvin Harris in; "Cultural Anthropology" App APK Download (Free) with answers 1958, 1965, 1968. 1979, 1969, 1971 and 1966, 1970 for best online universities. Study cultural questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for distance learning programs.

Cultural Anthropology Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 8

MCQ 36: The concept of cultural materialism was given by Marvin Harris in

  1. 1968. 1979
  2. 1958, 1965
  3. 1969, 1971
  4. 1966, 1970

MCQ 37: The tradition of medical practice is

  1. Modern median
  2. Allopathic medicine
  3. Drugs
  4. None of these

MCQ 38: Individuals who are legally related through marriage

  1. Affine Kin means
  2. Individuals who are related through blood
  3. Descendants of a common ancestor in the male line
  4. None of these

MCQ 39: Process when a person learns the requirements of culture by he or she is surrounded, values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary of that culture

  1. Cultural Shock
  2. Exposure
  3. Enculturation
  4. Participant Observation

MCQ 40: The conceptual arrangement of things such as kinship, color, living things, race, disease, firewood, ceramics, automobiles, tools and time are

  1. Status
  2. Classification
  3. Race
  4. None of these

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Cultural Anthropology App (Android & iOS)

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