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Anthropology Basics Practice Test 69

Social Anthropology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 69

The e-Book Social Anthropology Quiz Questions and Answers, social anthropology quiz with answers PDF download, test 69 to study free Anthropology online courses. Practice Symbolic Trivia Questions PDF, social anthropology Test for online classes. The Social Anthropology Quiz App Download: Free learning app for cultural anthropology, social anthropology test prep for online certificate programs.

The Quiz: In a society organized as a band, what is probably the only group; "Social Anthropology" App Download (Free) with answers nuclear family, the band, band and sodalities and extended family and sodalities for two year degree programs. Solve symbolic questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges.

Social Anthropology Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 69

MCQ 341: In a society organized as a band, what is probably the only group

  1. The band
  2. Nuclear family
  3. Band and sodalities
  4. Extended family and sodalities

MCQ 342: Which of the following is true regarding the sexual division of labor in hunting and gathering societies?

  1. Women typically produce most of the calories
  2. The value of the men's contribution is always more critical in maintaining health and survival
  3. Reliance upon sharing seems to have required a cooperative temperament and exceptional intelligence
  4. foods obtained by women and men does not change at different times of the year

MCQ 343: In anthropology a hypothesis that has been confirmed through numerous tests is known as

  1. An opinion
  2. An assumption
  3. A theory
  4. Speculation

MCQ 344: The concept of CULTURAL LAG was propounded by

  1. Ibn-i-Khaldun
  2. Max Weber
  3. Merton
  4. Ogburn & Nimkoff

MCQ 345: Who is the founder of Sociology?

  1. Imam Ghazali
  2. Parsons
  3. Ibn-i-khaldun
  4. None of these

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