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Anthropology Basics Certification Exam Tests

Anthropology Basics Practice Test 64

Cultural Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 64

Free Cultural Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Cultural Anthropology MCQ PDF Download, Book Test 64 to study Anthropology online courses. Solve Cultural Quiz Answers PDF, cultural anthropology Test for online learning. The Cultural Anthropology MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for economy of anthropology, research methodology, cultural anthropology test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

The MCQ Quiz: Study of a particular topic in more than one culture using ethnographic material; "Cultural Anthropology" App APK Download (Free) with answers enculturation, ethnography, ethnocentrism and ethnology for online masters programs. Study cultural questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online certificate courses.

Cultural Anthropology Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 64

MCQ 316: The study of a particular topic in more than one culture using ethnographic material

  1. Ethnography
  2. Enculturation
  3. Ethnocentrism
  4. Ethnology

MCQ 317: The core method for ethnographic fieldwork are

  1. Controlled experiments
  2. Participant observation
  3. Excavation
  4. Household surveys

MCQ 318: Technology is often narrowly defined as a tools and process of knowledge is

  1. Economic anthropology
  2. Archeology
  3. History
  4. All of the above

MCQ 319: The practice of women being married up in social status and marriage exchange, the practice of wife-givers as lower in status then wife-takers are called to be

  1. Hydro gamy
  2. Hypotheses
  3. Hyper gamy
  4. None of these

MCQ 320: According to Tannen, appropriate alternatives to the argument culture include

  1. Managing conflict by means of dialogue
  2. An emphasis upon debates to the exclusion of other forms of discussion
  3. letting opponents fight it out in physical combat
  4. All of the above

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