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Radioactive Substances Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Radioactive Substances quiz questions, radioactive substances multiple choice questions and answers PDF 68 to learn online A level physics course for college certification. Practice Radioactivity quiz with answers, radioactive substances Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free radioactive substances MCQs, acceleration calculations, binding energy and stability, meaning of temperature, dynamics, radioactive substances test prep for best ACT prep courses online.

"Gamma radiation is emitted in order to", radioactive substances Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices release excess energy from atom, excite the atom, destabilize the atom, and stabilize the atom to learn online training courses. Learn radioactivity questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for colleges that offer online classes.

Radioactive Substances Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Radioactive Substances Quiz

MCQ: Gamma radiation is emitted in order to

  1. excite the atom
  2. release excess energy from atom
  3. destabilize the atom
  4. stabilize the atom


Dynamics Quiz

MCQ: When the work done in moving a particle round a closed loop in a field is zero, the forces in the field are called

  1. Zero forces
  2. Non-Conservative forces
  3. Conservative forces
  4. Viscous forces


Meaning of Temperature Quiz

MCQ: Celsius scale is based on properties of

  1. Mercury
  2. Aluminum
  3. Cesium
  4. Water


Binding Energy and Stability Quiz

MCQ: Most stable isotope in nature is of

  1. iron-56
  2. carbon-12
  3. uranium-235
  4. uranium-238


Acceleration Calculations Quiz

MCQ: Gradient of velocity-time graph tells us about object's

  1. velocity
  2. displacement
  3. distance
  4. acceleration