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Nucleons and Electrons Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Nucleons and Electrons quiz questions, nucleons and electrons multiple choice questions and answers PDF 65 to learn online A level physics course for college certification. Practice Radioactivity quiz with answers, nucleons and electrons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free nucleons and electrons MCQs, diffraction of waves, force measurement, angular frequency, ultrasound in medicine, nucleons and electrons test prep for schools that offer online degrees.

"The nucleon number consists of", nucleons and electrons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices number of protons, number of electrons, number of electrons and protons, and number of protons and neutrons to learn online certification courses. Learn radioactivity questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for two year online colleges.

Nucleons and Electrons Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Nucleons and Electrons Quiz

MCQ: The nucleon number consists of

  1. Number of electrons
  2. Number of protons
  3. Number of electrons and protons
  4. Number of protons and neutrons


Ultrasound in Medicine Quiz

MCQ: A sound wave which has frequency higher than the upper limit of human hearing is

  1. infra sonic
  2. ultrasonic
  3. supersonic
  4. megasonic


Angular Frequency Quiz

MCQ: Angular frequency of SHM is equal to

  1. 2πf
  2. 2f
  3. 1⁄T


Force Measurement Quiz

MCQ: Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field depends upon

  1. magnetic flux density
  2. the charge on the particle
  3. the speed of particle
  4. all of above


Diffraction of Waves Quiz

MCQ: For listening radio in cars, external radio aerials are used because

  1. radio waves have shorter wavelength
  2. radio waves have longer wavelength
  3. radio waves cannot pass through window
  4. radio waves require a medium to propagate