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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 37

Resistance and Temperature Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 37

Free Resistance and Temperature Quiz Questions, resistance and temperature quiz answers PDF download chapter 29-37 to study online igcse physics degree courses. Practice Resistance and Resistivity MCQ with answers PDF, resistance and temperature Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: Resistance and Temperature Quiz App Download & e-Book for resistance and temperature, internal energy, gravitational field strength, electric field concept, electrical current test prep for ACT prep classes.

The Quiz: In NTC thermistor on increasing temperature, the resistance; "Resistance and Temperature" App Download (Free) with answers remains constant, increases, decreases and behaves abruptly to study online classes courses. Solve resistance and resistivity questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for colleges that offer online degrees.

Resistance and Temperature Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 37

MCQ 181: In NTC thermistor on increasing temperature, the resistance

A) increases
B) remains constant
C) decreases
D) behaves abruptly

MCQ 182: On compression, the gat gets hotter due to

A) increase in kinetic energy
B) decrease in kinetic energy
C) increase in potential energy
D) increase in atomic collisions

MCQ 183: N kg-1 is equivalent to

A) ms-2
B) ms-1
C) m s
D) ms-3

MCQ 184: Where an electric charge experiences a force, there is an

A) electric field
B) magnetic field
C) electric current
D) conventional current

MCQ 185: If the magnetic flux density and current are at right angles, then component of force acting on the conductor is

A) BIL cosθ
B) BIL sinθ
C) BIL tanθ
D) BL sinθ

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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