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Elements and Atoms Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Elements and Atoms quiz questions, elements and atoms multiple choice questions and answers PDF 329 to learn online A level chemistry course for college certification. Practice Atomic Structure and Theory quiz with answers, elements and atoms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free elements and atoms MCQs, electrolysis technique, atomization and electron affinity, polyamides, ammonia and ammonium compounds, elements and atoms test prep for online college classes.

"Chemical elements contains only", elements and atoms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices two type of atom, one type of atom, molecules, and ions to learn online GCE courses. Learn atomic structure and theory questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for best SAT prep courses online.

Elements and Atoms Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Elements and Atoms Quiz

MCQ: Chemical elements contains only

  1. one type of atom
  2. two type of atom
  3. molecules
  4. ions


Ammonia and Ammonium Compounds Quiz

MCQ: Explosive such as trinitrotoluene (TNT) is made by

  1. concentrated nitric acid
  2. ammonia
  3. nitrate
  4. ammonium nitrate


Polyamides Quiz

MCQ: Wallace Carothers invented

  1. polymers
  2. nylon
  3. caprolactum
  4. carboxylic acids


Atomization and Electron Affinity Quiz

MCQ: Energy change due to acceptance of one electron (e-) by gaseous non-metal atom is

  1. atomization
  2. gaseous
  3. moles
  4. electron affinity


Electrolysis Technique Quiz

MCQ: Electrolysis purify bauxite (Al(OH)3) to give pure

  1. Al2O3
  2. AlCl3
  3. AlO
  4. AlCl