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Physical Properties of Group VII Elements Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Physical Properties of Group VII Elements quiz questions, physical properties of group vii elements multiple choice questions and answers PDF 317 to learn online A level chemistry course for college certification. Practice Groups II and VII quiz with answers, physical properties of group vii elements Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free physical properties of group vii elements MCQs, gaseous state, uses of halogens and their compounds, reaction kinetics, amino acids, physical properties of group vii elements test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

"The larger the molecules the stronger is the", physical properties of group vii elements Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices covalent bond, van der waal's forces, ionic bond, and co-ordinate bond to learn online certification courses. Learn groups ii and vii questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for college entrance exams.

Physical Properties of Group VII Elements Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Physical Properties of Group VII Elements Quiz

MCQ: The larger the molecules the stronger is the

  1. Van der Waal's forces
  2. covalent bond
  3. ionic bond
  4. co-ordinate bond


Amino Acids Quiz

MCQ: The group which may vary in different amino acids is

  1. R-group
  2. P-group
  3. S-group
  4. N-group


Reaction Kinetics Quiz

MCQ: The activation energy of particular reaction is the minimum energy that is must for

  1. reaction
  2. collision
  3. absorption
  4. reduction


Uses of Halogens and their Compounds Quiz

MCQ: Oxidation of hydrogen halides (HF, HCl, HBr, HI) becomes

  1. easier down the group
  2. difficult down the group
  3. vigorous down the group
  4. tough down the group


Gaseous State Quiz

MCQ: The molecules of gas are squashed together and they will hit walls more often when there is a decrease in its

  1. volume
  2. temperature
  3. humidity
  4. pressure