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Chapter 2: IGCSE A Level Chemistry Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 2

Atomic Structure and Theory Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

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Atomic Structure and Theory Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: Elements which are found on their own as free elements are

A) gold and silver
B) coal and gold
C) nitrogen and gold
D) gold and mercury

MCQ 22: The beam of electrons can be produced with the help of

A) anode-ray tube
B) cathode-ray tube
C) inert-ray tube
D) bi-charged-ray tube

MCQ 23: Charge to mass ratio was first calculated by

A) J.J.Thomas
B) Thomas Edison
C) J.K Thomas
D) A.Einstein

MCQ 24: Attractions of electrons towards anode shows

A) electrons are negatively charged only
B) electrons carry very small mass only
C) electrons carry more mass than protons
D) electrons are negatively charged and carry very small mass

MCQ 25: 1.67*10-27kg is the weight of a single atom of

A) oxygen
B) nitrogen
C) hydrogen
D) water

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