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Transport in Mammals Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Transport in Mammals quiz questions, transport in mammals multiple choice questions and answers PDF 71 to learn online A level biology course for college certification. Practice Mammalian Transport System quiz, transport in mammals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free transport in mammals MCQs, ecology, molecular biology and biochemistry, transport in mammals test prep for two year online colleges.

"Pulmonary arteries carry", transport in mammals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices bluish red deoxygenated blood, red oxygenated blood, deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs, and oxygenated blood from lungs to heart to learn IGCSE GCE certificate courses. Learn mammalian transport system questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for ACT test prep classes.

Transport in Mammals Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Transport in Mammals Quiz

MCQ: Pulmonary arteries carry

  1. red oxygenated blood
  2. bluish red deoxygenated blood
  3. deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs
  4. oxygenated blood from lungs to heart


Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Quiz

MCQ: RNA is made of polymerization through

  1. trioses
  2. pentose
  3. hexoses
  4. starch


Ecology Quiz

MCQ: Due to osmotic problems in freshwater bony fish, kidneys have to

  1. produce concentrated urine
  2. reabsorb water
  3. produce dilute urine
  4. release water


Transport system in Plants Quiz

MCQ: In plants, movement of CO2 and O2 happens through

  1. surface area
  2. diffusion
  3. concentration gradient
  4. active transport


Transport system in Plants Quiz

MCQ: The disadvantage of open stomata during the day includes

  1. diffusion of O2 into the plant
  2. transpiration
  3. diffusion of co2 into the plant
  4. generation of a water potential gradient