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Active Transport Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Active Transport quiz questions, active transport multiple choice questions and answers PDF 62 to learn online A level biology course for college certification. Practice Cell Membranes and Transport quiz, active transport Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free active transport MCQs, genetic diseases and cell divisions, infectious and non-infectious diseases, active transport test prep for colleges that offer online degrees.

"The energy for active transport is provided through", active transport Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices chemical energy, radiant source, adenosine triphosphate (atp), and cell surface membranes for online certificate programs. Learn cell membranes and transport questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges that offer financial aid.

Active Transport Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Active Transport Quiz

MCQ: The energy for active transport is provided through

  1. radiant source
  2. chemical energy
  3. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  4. cell surface membranes


Infectious and non-infectious Diseases Quiz

MCQ: Cholera can be fatal if it is not treated within

  1. 12 hours
  2. 24 hours
  3. 36 hours
  4. 48 hours


Genetic Diseases and Cell divisions Quiz

MCQ: A thread-like structure that becomes visible just before the cell division is called

  1. gene
  2. chromosome
  3. locus
  4. loci


Ecology Quiz

MCQ: In an ecosystem, Pneumatophores grow

  1. downward in water
  2. downward in soil
  3. upward in water
  4. upward in soil


Infectious and non-infectious Diseases Quiz

MCQ: Which one of these is not a viral disease?

  1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
  2. malaria
  3. measles
  4. smallpox