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Enzymes Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Enzymes trivia questions and answers, enzymes quiz answers PDF 45 to practice A level biology exam questions for online classes. Practice Enzymes trivia questions and answers, enzymes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free enzymes MCQs, homeostasis, receptors and effectors, mammalian heart, structure of enzymes, molecular biology and biochemistry, enzymes test prep for online college for teaching degree.

"Lock and Key model was developed for the visualization of substrate and enzyme concentration was proposed by", enzymes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices f. sanger, emil fischer, erwin chargaff, and edward to learn online courses. Learn enzymes questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accredited online colleges.

Trivia Quiz on Enzymes PDF Download eBook

Enzymes Quiz

MCQ: Lock and Key model was developed for the visualization of substrate and enzyme concentration was proposed by

  1. Emil Fischer
  2. F. Sanger
  3. Erwin Chargaff
  4. Edward


Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Quiz

MCQ: The size of cellulose fiber is nearly

  1. 60 nm
  2. 20 nm
  3. 50 nm
  4. 30 nm


Structure of enzymes Quiz

MCQ: Denatured protein enzymes are but

  1. more soluble
  2. low coagulation
  3. easily affected by acids and alkaline substances
  4. sparingly insoluble


Mammalian Heart Quiz

MCQ: Semilunar valves are found in

  1. aorta
  2. arteries
  3. veins
  4. pulmonary artery


Homeostasis, Receptors and Effectors Quiz

MCQ: Immense damage can be caused by ammonia in

  1. aquatic animals
  2. terrestrial animals
  3. desert habitat
  4. moist habitat