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IGCSE A Level Biology Practice Test 77

Tunica externa Tunica media and Intima Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 77

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Tunica externa Tunica media & Intima Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 77

MCQ 381: The vessels known to carry blood towards the heart are

A) aorta
B) arteries
C) veins
D) capillaries

MCQ 382: Each Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) molecule in a nucleus makes an identical copy of itself

A) during synthesis phase of interphase
B) during formation of autosomes
C) during formation of sex chromosomes
D) during mitosis

MCQ 383: Excessive of Glucose may lead to

A) slow down of the respiration
B) stopping of respiration
C) water to move out of cell
D) increase photosynthesis

MCQ 384: An Ultrafiltration method removes

A) small molecules only
B) urea from the blood only
C) proteins
D) small molecules and urea from the blood

MCQ 385: Organisms reproduce through

A) nuclear division only
B) cell divisions only
C) binary fission
D) nuclear and cell division

IGCSE A Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

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