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Molluscan Success Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 4

Molluscan Success mock test for exam PDF to learn molluscan success trivia worksheets with answers key, phylum test 4 for online courses. Solve phylum mollusca: class cephalopoda MCQs, Molluscan Success MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn phylum mollusca: class cephalopoda, phylum mollusca: class gastropoda, phylum mollusca: class caudofoveata, phylum mollusca: class polyplacophora career test for distance learning programs.

"The members of the class Bivalvia can change the" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on molluscan success with choices food, habitat, structure, and color to learn online certification courses. Practice phylum mollusca: class cephalopoda quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for best online universities.

MCQs on Molluscan Success Quiz PDF Download eBook 4

MCQ: The members of the class Bivalvia can change the

  1. habitat
  2. food
  3. structure
  4. color


MCQ: Primitive gastropods have

  1. lungs
  2. one lung
  3. two gills
  4. one gill


MCQ: The identified species of the class caudofoveata are nearly

  1. 80
  2. 90
  3. 70
  4. 40


MCQ: The tentacle of the cephalopods is modified for spermatophore transfer, named as

  1. hypocotyl
  2. hectocotyli
  3. hectocotylus
  4. none of above


MCQ: Which food most of the chitons depend on?

  1. algae
  2. calcium
  3. salts
  4. mineral deposits