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Mammals: Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair and Viviparity Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Mammals Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair and Viviparity multiple choice questions and answers PDF to practice mammals specialized teeth, endothermy, hair and viviparity MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 1 for online certification. Learn mammalian orders MCQs, Mammals Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair and Viviparity trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn mammalian orders, class mammalia: general characteristics career test for best online colleges.

"Order "Edentata" includes" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on mammals specialized teeth, endothermy, hair and viviparity with choices armadillos, tree sloths, anteaters, and all of above to learn online classes courses. Practice mammalian orders quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

MCQs on Mammals Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair and Viviparity Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: Order "Edentata" includes

  1. tree sloths
  2. armadillos
  3. anteaters
  4. all of above


MCQ: Oil glands are also known as

  1. sudoriferous glands
  2. scent glands
  3. sebaceous glands
  4. oil glands


MCQ: Porcupines and woodchucks are members of the order

  1. carnivora
  2. chiroptera
  3. rodentia
  4. lagamorpha


MCQ: In males, the mammary glands are functionally

  1. active
  2. inactive
  3. functional
  4. non functional


MCQ: The members of the order Perissodactyla are also named as

  1. ungulates
  2. hoofed mammals
  3. metatheria
  4. eutheria