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Echinoderms Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 5

Echinoderms multiple choice questions and answers PDF to practice echinoderms MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 5 for online certification. Learn general characteristics of echinoderms MCQs, Echinoderms trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn general characteristics of echinoderms, phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea, phylum echinodermata: class crinoidea, phylum echinodermata: class ophiuroidea career test for colleges that offer online classes.

"Echinoderms completely lack" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on echinoderms with choices sensory appendages, respiratory structures, excretory organs, and digestive system to learn online professional courses. Practice general characteristics of echinoderms quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online schools that offer certificate programs.

MCQs on Echinoderms Quiz PDF Download eBook 5

MCQ: Echinoderms completely lack

  1. respiratory structures
  2. sensory appendages
  3. excretory organs
  4. digestive system


MCQ: The class Asteroidea have approximately

  1. 1200 members
  2. 1600 members
  3. 1500 members
  4. 1800 members


MCQ: The Ossicles of the member of class Crinoidea is called

  1. stalk
  2. arms
  3. calyx
  4. disk


MCQ: The similarity between the chordates and echinoderm is the development of

  1. digestive system
  2. nervous system
  3. heart
  4. coelom


MCQ: The class Ophiuroidea includes a roundabout

  1. 20000 species
  2. 3000 species
  3. 2000 species
  4. 1000 species