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Echinoderms Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 4

Echinoderms mock test for exam PDF to learn echinoderms trivia worksheets with answers key, phylum test 4 for online courses. Solve phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea MCQs, Echinoderms MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea, general characteristics of echinoderms, phylum echinodermata: class ophiuroidea career test for online masters programs.

"The thin folds of the body wall that helps in gas exchange and extends in Ossicles are called" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on echinoderms with choices dermal branchiae, pedicellariae, disk, and arms to learn online degree courses. Practice phylum echinodermata: class asteroidea quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for colleges that offer certificate programs.

MCQs on Echinoderms Quiz PDF Download eBook 4

MCQ: The thin folds of the body wall that helps in gas exchange and extends in Ossicles are called

  1. pedicellariae
  2. dermal branchiae
  3. disk
  4. arms


MCQ: Nerve ring, nerve net, and radial nerves are collectively called

  1. nerves
  2. neurons
  3. nervous system
  4. neurosensory tissue


MCQ: The bilaterally symmetrical larva in the class Asteroidea is named as

  1. bipinnaria larva
  2. Muller's larva
  3. planula
  4. tadpole


MCQ: The locomotory organ in the brittle star is

  1. its arms
  2. water vascular system
  3. muscles
  4. tubes


MCQ: The strands of tissue, which run circularly around the mouth beside the ring canal, extends aborally into the arms, is termed as

  1. circular muscles
  2. hemal system
  3. ringed structure
  4. symmetry