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Amphibians: First Terrestrial Vertebrates Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 5

Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates multiple choice questions and answers PDF to practice amphibians first terrestrial vertebrates MCQ worksheets with answers key, phylum test 5 for online certification. Learn class amphibians: order gymnophiona MCQs, Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn class amphibians: order gymnophiona, class amphibians: order anura career test for online degrees.

"The member of the Gymnophiona lacks" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on amphibians first terrestrial vertebrates with choices limbs, lungs, eyes, and head for online bachelor degree programs. Practice class amphibians: order gymnophiona quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online college courses.

MCQs on Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates Quiz PDF Download eBook 5

MCQ: The member of the Gymnophiona lacks

  1. lungs
  2. limbs
  3. eyes
  4. head


MCQ: Which of them does not have a tail?

  1. anura
  2. gymnophonians
  3. caudata
  4. none of above


MCQ: In anurans, the motor function is performed in the

  1. mid brain
  2. hind brain
  3. fore brain
  4. nerves


MCQ: The transport of the chemicals from the environment to the olfactory cells is mediated by the

  1. tentacles
  2. retractile tentacle
  3. smelling
  4. sniffing


MCQ: Caecilians are nearly blind because the eyes are

  1. bulging
  2. covered with skin
  3. small
  4. protruding