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Amphibians: First Terrestrial Vertebrates MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook p. 2

Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates MCQ with answers PDF to solve amphibians first terrestrial vertebrates quiz worksheets with answers key, phylum worksheets 2 for online degree programs. Practice class amphibians: order anura Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates quiz with answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn class amphibians: order anura, class amphibians: order caudata career test for online university.

"The phenomenon of paedomorphosis is the characteristic of" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on amphibians first terrestrial vertebrates with choices toads, newts, salamander, and frog to study online tutor courses. Practice class amphibians: order anura quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online college courses.

MCQs on Amphibians First Terrestrial Vertebrates PDF Download eBook 2

MCQ: The phenomenon of paedomorphosis is the characteristic of

  1. newts
  2. toads
  3. salamander
  4. frog


MCQ: The members that are included in the family Salamandridae are commonly named as

  1. newt
  2. gymnophonians
  3. anurans
  4. snails


MCQ: The total number of the described species of the salamander is

  1. 320
  2. 360
  3. 350
  4. 355


MCQ: Common members of the order Anura are

  1. toads only
  2. frogs only
  3. snails
  4. toads and frogs


MCQ: The larva of the anurans are

  1. carnivorous
  2. decomposers
  3. herbivorous
  4. autotrophs