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Scalar and Vector Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Scalar and vector worksheet with answers PDF, scalar and vector MCQ with answers to practice O level physics test 9 for online job interview. Practice Forces in Physics trivia questions and answers, scalar and vector Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free scalar and vector MCQs, moments, specific heat capacity, latent heat, converging lens, scalar and vector test prep for ACT test.

"Volume is a", scalar and vector Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices vector quantity, scalar quantity, base quantity, and derived quantity to study online certificate courses. Learn forces in physics questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges for science. Scalar & Vector Video

Trivia Quiz on Scalar & Vector PDF Download eBook

Scalar and Vector Quiz

MCQ: Volume is a

  1. Scalar quantity
  2. Vector quantity
  3. Base quantity
  4. Derived quantity


Converging Lens Quiz

MCQ: Mid-point between lens surface and principle axis is termed as

  1. midway center
  2. focal center
  3. focal point
  4. optical center


Latent Heat Quiz

MCQ: Amount of energy required to change the liquid to gas and vice versa without any change in temperature is termed as

  1. Latent Heat of Fusion
  2. Latent Heat of Vaporization
  3. Heat Capacity
  4. Specific Heat Capacity


Specific Heat Capacity Quiz

MCQ: Specific heat capacity of a substance is equal to

  1. mass of the substance × heat capacity
  2. heat capacity ⁄ mass of the substance
  3. mass of the substance ⁄ heat capacity
  4. None of the above


Moments Quiz

MCQ: Moment of a force is defined as

  1. Product of the force 'F' and the perpendicular distance 'd' moved in the direction of force
  2. Quotient of the force 'F' and the perpendicular distance 'd' moved in the direction of force
  3. Product of the force 'F' and the perpendicular distance 'd' from line of action of the force to the pivot
  4. Quotient of the force 'F' and the perpendicular distance 'd' from line of action of the force to the pivot