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Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download p. 5

Learn "Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Quiz", waves marine and sub aerial processes MCQs with answers 5 to prep O level geography certificate online course. Coastal environment quiz questions and answers, waves marine and sub aerial processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free "Waves Marine and sub aerial processes" MCQs, river channel processes and landforms, demographic transition (population), arid and semi arid environment, process producing desert landforms, waves marine and sub aerial processes test prep to learn free online courses.

Learn waves marine and sub aerial processes Multiple Choice Question (MCQs): Moving air in definite direction is known as, with choices wave, current, bars, and coral reefs to learn online certificate courses. Learn coastal environment questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online college courses.

Quiz on Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Worksheet 5

Waves Marine and sub aerial processes Quiz

MCQ: Moving air in definite direction is known as

  1. wave
  2. current
  3. bars
  4. coral reefs


Process producing desert landforms Quiz

MCQ: Narrow valley with steep sides is known as

  1. wadis
  2. oases
  3. pediments
  4. canyons


Arid and semi arid Environment Quiz

MCQ: Deposits of lime are known as

  1. interpluvial
  2. weathering
  3. tufa
  4. pluvial


Demographic transition (Population) Quiz

MCQ: The death of a woman while pregnancy or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy is known as

  1. demographic transition
  2. human development index
  3. child mortality
  4. maternal mortality


River Channel processes and landforms Quiz

MCQ: The bottle screw-like flow of water in a meander is known as

  1. hydraulic curves
  2. helicodal flow
  3. laminar flow
  4. hjulstrom curves