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Process producing desert landforms Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download p. 46

Learn "Process producing desert landforms Quiz Questions and Answers", process producing desert landforms MCQs with answers 46 to prep online O level geography course. Hazardous environments resulting from tectonic movement quiz, process producing desert landforms Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free "Process producing desert landforms" MCQs, management of natural increase, tropical climates, river channel processes and landforms, sustainable management of tropical environments, process producing desert landforms test prep for colleges that offer certificate programs.

Learn process producing desert landforms Multiple Choice Question (MCQs): Gently sloping bedrock surface is known as, with choices canyons, wadis, oases, and pediments to learn online courses. Learn hazardous environments resulting from tectonic movement questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online college classes.

Quiz on Process producing desert landforms Worksheet 46

Process producing desert landforms Quiz

MCQ: Gently sloping bedrock surface is known as

  1. canyons
  2. wadis
  3. oases
  4. pediments


Sustainable Management of Tropical Environments Quiz

MCQ: Shade loving trees and plants are known as

  1. agro forestry
  2. sciophyte
  3. heliophytes
  4. cattle ranching


River Channel processes and landforms Quiz

MCQ: Act of following a winding course is known as

  1. straight channels
  2. meandering
  3. river regime
  4. rising limb


Tropical Climates Quiz

MCQ: A large body of air having more or less uniform temperature and moisture characteristics at each level is known as

  1. ocean current
  2. monsoon
  3. wind
  4. air mass


Management of Natural Increase Quiz

MCQ: Set of measures taken by a State to modify the way its population is changing is known as

  1. overpopulated areas
  2. green revolution
  3. economic optimum
  4. population policy