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Over Fishing and Consequences Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download p. 235

Practice Over fishing and consequences quiz questions and answers PDF, over fishing and consequences MCQs with answers PDF to solve O level environmental management worksheet 235 for online past papers exam. Practice Biosphere quiz questions with answers, over fishing and consequences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free over fishing and consequences MCQs, atmosphere: structure composition and energy source, climatic hazards, causes and occurrence, over fishing and consequences test prep for accredited online college courses.

"When the population of all the species are add ad together are called", over fishing and consequences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices community, population, biosphere, and ecosystem to learn online certificate courses. Learn biosphere questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for free online classes.

Quiz on Over Fishing and Consequences PDF Download

Over Fishing and Consequences Quiz

MCQ: When the population of all the species are add ad together are called

  1. Population
  2. Community
  3. Biosphere
  4. Ecosystem


Climatic Hazards, Causes and Occurrence Quiz

MCQ: Drought occurs in which climates?

  1. Savanna
  2. Monsoon
  3. Savanna & Monsoon
  4. Tundra


Atmosphere: Structure Composition and Energy Source Quiz

MCQ: What are the causes of smoke and other particles suspended in the atmosphere?

  1. Burning of fossil fuel
  2. Waste burnt from chemical factories
  3. Waste burnt from factories/Burning of fossil fuel/Bare soil in the agricultural areas
  4. Waste burnt from factories/Burning of Plastics/Loss of topsoil agricultural areas


Global Warming and Green House Effect Quiz

MCQ: Carbon dioxide contributes how much percent of green house effect in the atmosphere?

  1. 64%
  2. 78%
  3. 69%
  4. 90%


Atmosphere: Structure Composition and Energy Source Quiz

MCQ: Why less heat is reached at the poles?

  1. Due to large surface area to heat up
  2. Due to oblique rays
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of them