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Biomes and Distribution Practice Test PDF Download p. 234

Learn Biomes and distribution worksheet with answers PDF, biomes and distribution MCQ with answers to practice O level environmental management test for online job interview. Practice Biosphere trivia questions and answers, biomes and distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and answers to practice environmental management test with answers for online colleges and universities courses. Free biomes and distribution MCQs, atmospheric pollution: causes, effects and strategies, effects of ocean currents, over fishing and consequences, examples of energy sources, biomes and distribution test prep for online college courses.

"The forest floor of a Taiga is covered by a thick", biomes and distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices snow, carpet of dead needles, dead leaves, and bushes to study online school courses. Learn biosphere questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges that offer certificate programs.

Trivia Quiz on Biomes and Distribution PDF Download

Biomes and Distribution Quiz

MCQ: The forest floor of a Taiga is covered by a thick

  1. Carpet of dead needles
  2. Snow
  3. Dead leaves
  4. Bushes


Examples of Energy Sources Quiz

MCQ: Wind turbines produce

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water pollution
  3. Nuclear Pollution
  4. Noise Pollution


Over Fishing and Consequences Quiz

MCQ: In the modern fishing the board size is up to

  1. 100 m long
  2. 200 m Long
  3. 500m
  4. 600 m


Effects of Ocean Currents Quiz

MCQ: In Africa, the canaries and Banguela currents contribute to the formation of

  1. Thar Desert
  2. Sahara Desert
  3. Sahara & Namib desert
  4. Thal Desert


Atmospheric Pollution: Causes, Effects and Strategies Quiz

MCQ: What are the causes of reducing water vapor returned to the atmosphere?

  1. Global Warming
  2. Less plant Species in the environment and more deserts
  3. Deforestation/More Bare Surfaces/Reducing evapo-transpiration
  4. Filtration/Reducing evapo-transpiration