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Central Dogma Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Practice Central Dogma quiz questions, central dogma multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare MCAT exam worksheet 62 for online certificate programs. Learn Genetic Code quiz with answers, central dogma Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve MCAT biology test with answers for online university degrees. Free central dogma MCQs, biosynthesis of lipids and polysaccharides, membranes structure, passive transport, mechanism of transcription, central dogma test prep for online high school college acceptance.

"DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein, this process is termed as", central dogma Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices simple dogma, central dogma, translation, and transcription to learn online college courses. Learn genetic code questions and answers with free online certification courses for best online colleges.

Central Dogma Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Central Dogma Quiz

MCQ: DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein, this process is termed as

  1. central dogma
  2. simple dogma
  3. Translation
  4. Transcription


Mechanism of Transcription Quiz

MCQ: A DNA sequence is read by RNA polymerase which produces complementary antiparallel RNA strand called

  1. tertiary transcript
  2. secondary transcript
  3. hexa transcript
  4. primary transcript


Passive Transport Quiz

MCQ: The energy required for passive transport is

  1. 5 Kcal
  2. 10 Kcal
  3. 0 Kcal
  4. infinite


Membranes Structure Quiz

MCQ: The first phospholipid was identified in

  1. 1847
  2. 1857
  3. 1867
  4. 1877


Biosynthesis of Lipids and Polysaccharides Quiz

MCQ: Glycogen in liver is used for

  1. plasma glucose
  2. starch synthesis
  3. amylose synthesis
  4. Pentose hydrolysis