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Introduction to Carbohydrates Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Practice Introduction to Carbohydrates quiz questions, introduction to carbohydrates multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare MCAT exam worksheet 143 for online certificate programs. Learn Carbohydrates quiz with answers, introduction to carbohydrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve MCAT biology test with answers for online university degrees. Free introduction to carbohydrates MCQs, cofactors, competitive inhibition (ci), nucleic acid description, deoxyribonucleic acid (dna), introduction to carbohydrates test prep to apply to colleges online.

"If carbonyl group is an aldehyde the monosaccharide is", introduction to carbohydrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices tetrose, ketose, aldose, and maltose to study e-learning courses. Learn carbohydrates questions and answers with free online certification courses for easy enrollment online colleges.

Introduction to Carbohydrates Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Introduction to Carbohydrates Quiz

MCQ: If carbonyl group is an aldehyde the monosaccharide is

  1. ketose
  2. Tetrose
  3. aldose
  4. Maltose


Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Quiz

MCQ: In Watson and Crick's model of DNA the purine is opposite to

  1. purine
  2. pyrin
  3. pyrol
  4. pyrimidine


Nucleic Acid Description Quiz

MCQ: A nucleotide has component

  1. pentose sugar
  2. nitrogenous base
  3. phosphate group
  4. all of above


Competitive Inhibition (CI) Quiz

MCQ: In competitive inhibition, the two things that binds to enzyme active site are

  1. substrate
  2. inhibitor
  3. catalyst
  4. both A and B


Cofactors Quiz

MCQ: A metal cofactor which is used in synthesis of glycolysis is

  1. Fe+3
  2. Mn+2
  3. Co+2
  4. Mg+2