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Semiconservative Nature of Replication Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Semiconservative Nature of Replication quiz questions and answers, semiconservative nature of replication MCQs with answers PDF to solve MCAT worksheet 106 for online graduate programs. Learn DNA Replication quiz questions with answers, semiconservative nature of replication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve MCAT biology test with answers for online university degrees. Free semiconservative nature of replication MCQs, peptide linkage, mcat: fatty acids, structure of proteins, un saturated fat, semiconservative nature of replication test prep for online high school and college acceptance.

"Newly synthesized DNA contains", semiconservative nature of replication Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices both old strands, both new strands, one new and one old strand, and only one strand to learn e-learning courses. Learn dna replication questions and answers with free online certification courses for free MCAT practice test.

Quiz on Semiconservative Nature of Replication PDF Download eBook

Semiconservative Nature of Replication Quiz

MCQ: Newly synthesized DNA contains

  1. both new strands
  2. both old strands
  3. one new and one old strand
  4. only one strand


Un saturated Fat Quiz

MCQ: Oleic acid is an example of

  1. saturated fat
  2. unsaturated fat
  3. Neutral fatty acids
  4. Inert fatty acids


Structure of Proteins Quiz

MCQ: The alpha-helix structure was discovered by

  1. ?Linus Pauling,?Robert Corey
  2. Herman Branson
  3. both A and B
  4. Miller and Harley


MCAT: Fatty Acids Quiz

MCQ: Fatty acids are usually derived from

  1. triglycerides
  2. phospholipids
  3. both A and B
  4. Proteins


Peptide Linkage Quiz

MCQ: Each amino acid unit in polypeptide chain is called

  1. unit
  2. residue
  3. molecule
  4. Element