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Brand Marketing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 5 PDF Download

Brand Marketing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), brand marketing quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 5 for online MBA degree programs.

"The procedure of communicating the worth of a manufactured goods or service to clients, for the reason of selling that manufactured goods or service is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on brand marketing with choices finance, marketing, human resources, and information technology to study online certification courses. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning marketing of product quiz questions for best business schools.

MCQs on Brand Marketing Quiz 5 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: procedure of communicating worth of a manufactured goods or service to clients, for reason of selling that manufactured goods or service is

  1. marketing
  2. finance
  3. human Resources
  4. information Technology


MCQ: Plan to make an emotional relationship among products, firms and their clients and constituent are

  1. brand name
  2. brand culture
  3. brand image
  4. brand management


MCQ: Brand equity related to worth of a

  1. consumer
  2. franchise
  3. brand
  4. none of these


MCQ: Everything that can be presented to a marketplace for concentration, attainment, use, or utilization that may satisfy a desire or want is called a

  1. idea
  2. demand
  3. product
  4. service


MCQ: Each of following parts can influence attractiveness of a market sector EXCEPT

  1. the presence of many strong and aggressive competitors
  2. the likelihood of government monitoring
  3. actual or potential substitute products
  4. the power of buyers in segment