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Financial Markets and Funds Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download eBook p. 5

Financial Markets and Funds MCQ questions and answers PDF, financial markets and funds quiz answers PDF, financial markets test 5 for online classes. Learn supply of loanable fund Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Financial Markets and Funds quiz questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn supply of loanable fund, time value of money career test for accredited online business administration degree.

"According to loanable funds theory, the fall in interest rates result into" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on financial markets and funds with choices equilibrium demands of funds, zero demand of funds, higher demand of funds, and lower demand of funds for online finance certifications. Practice supply of loanable fund quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online college classes.

MCQs on Financial Markets & Funds PDF Download eBook

MCQ: According to loanable funds theory, the fall in interest rates result into

  1. zero demand of funds
  2. equilibrium demands of funds
  3. higher demand of funds
  4. lower demand of funds


MCQ: If the equilibrium interest rate decreases and the curve of funding supplied shifts to the right and downwards, then the impact on spending will

  1. increase in near term
  2. decrease in near term
  3. increase in long term
  4. decrease in long term


MCQ: The value which converts series of equal payments in to the value received at end time of investment is classified as

  1. present value of annuity
  2. future value of annuity
  3. decreased value of annuity
  4. increased value of annuity


MCQ: The theory which states that interest equilibrium is the result of demand and supply in trading markets, is classified as

  1. saving fund theory
  2. constant funds
  3. borrowed theory
  4. loanable funds theory


MCQ: The decrease in present value at decreasing rate only, when there is

  1. increase in availability
  2. decrease in availability
  3. decrease in interest rate
  4. increase in interest rate