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Special Purpose Diodes MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 6

Special Purpose Diodes MCQ with answers PDF, special purpose diodes quiz worksheets with answers key, electronic devices worksheets 6 for online engineering courses. Practice zener diode: basic operation and applications Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Special Purpose Diodes quiz with answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn zener diode: basic operation and applications, laser diode, zener power dissipation and derating, schotky diodes career test for online engineering associate's degree.

"Zener diode operating in breakdown acts as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on special purpose diodes with choices voltage regulator, current regulator, resistor regulator, and variable regulator to learn online educational courses. Practice zener diode: basic operation and applications quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for job placement test.

MCQs on Special Purpose Diodes PDF Download eBook 6

MCQ: Zener diode operating in breakdown acts as

  1. current regulator
  2. voltage regulator
  3. resistor regulator
  4. Variable regulator


MCQ: Laser diode has

  1. coherent light
  2. incoherent light
  3. radio light
  4. microwave light


MCQ: Zener diodes are specified to operate at maximum power called maximum

  1. DC power dissipation
  2. AC power dissipation
  3. analog power dissipation
  4. digital power dissipation


MCQ: First LASER diode was operated in

  1. 1950s
  2. 1960s
  3. 1970s
  4. 1980s


MCQ: Diode used primarily in high frequency devices and fast switching applications is called

  1. current regulator diode
  2. Schottky diode
  3. PIN diode
  4. Zener diode