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Bipolar Junction Transistors Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 8

Bipolar Junction Transistors mock test for exam PDF, bipolar junction transistors trivia worksheets with answers key, electronic devices test 8 for online engineering classes. Solve transistor characteristics and parameters MCQs, Bipolar Junction Transistors MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn transistor characteristics and parameters, derating power, transistor as an amplifier, collector characteristic curve, transistor as switch career test for pre employment screening tests.

"Biasing condition must exist for a transistor to operate as an amplifier is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on bipolar junction transistors with choices reverse-reverse bias, forward-forward bias, forward-reverse bias, and forward-floating bias to study online tutor courses. Practice transistor characteristics and parameters quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for grad school interview questions.

MCQs on Bipolar Junction Transistors Quiz PDF Download eBook 8

MCQ: Biasing condition must exist for a transistor to operate as an amplifier is

  1. forward-forward bias
  2. reverse-reverse bias
  3. forward-reverse bias
  4. forward-floating bias


MCQ: If maximum derating power of transistor at 25°C is 1W and derating factor is 5mW/°C then derating power at 70°C will be

  1. 235 mW
  2. 775 mW
  3. 775 W
  4. 235 W


MCQ: If collector resistance of an amplifier is 1.0K Ω and internal emitter resistance is 50 Ω then voltage gain will be

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 40


MCQ: When base current is zero, transistor will be in

  1. triode region
  2. cutoff region
  3. saturation region
  4. breakdown region


MCQ: Transistor behaves like a closed switch between

  1. emitter and base
  2. base and collector
  3. emitter and collector
  4. base and ground