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MOS ROM Practice Test PDF | Download eBooks - 195

Learn Mos rom mock test for exam, mos rom MCQ with answers PDF to solve digital electronics worksheet 195 for online engineering courses. Practice Read Only Memory ROM Trivia Questions and answers, mos rom Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve digital electronics test with answers for online electronics engineering degree. Free mos rom MCQs, characteristics of standard ttl, dynamic operation, cascading dynamic logic gates, combinational and sequential logic circuits, mos rom test prep for free career test.

"Static power dissipation in MOS ROM can be eliminated by connecting gate to", mos rom Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices precharge line, discharge line, constant line, and zero line for online certificate programs. Learn read only memory rom questions and answers with free online certification courses to learn free online courses.

Trivia Quiz on MOS ROM PDF Download eBook 195


MCQ: Static power dissipation in MOS ROM can be eliminated by connecting gate to

  1. discharge line
  2. precharge line
  3. constant line
  4. zero line


Combinational & Sequential Logic Circuits Quiz

MCQ: Inevitable leakage effect in bistable circuits will cause the capacitor to

  1. charge
  2. discharge
  3. remain constant
  4. breakdown


Cascading Dynamic Logic Gates Quiz

MCQ: Cascading is not easily possible in

  1. TTL logic
  2. PTL logic
  3. CMOS logic
  4. Dynamic Logic


Dynamic Operation Quiz

MCQ: CMOS is ideal for pure

  1. digital logic
  2. analog logic
  3. DC logic
  4. AC logic


Characteristics of Standard TTL Quiz

MCQ: Tristate TTL enables the connection of a number of TTL gates to a common

  1. input line
  2. source line
  3. ground line
  4. output line