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Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) multiple choice questions and answers PDF, transistor transistor logic (ttl) MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 1 for online engineering degrees. Learn schottky ttl MCQs, Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn schottky ttl, low power schottky ttl, schottky ttl performance characteristics, complete circuit of ttl gate career test for online engineering programs.

"A combination of a TTL transistor and a Schottky diode is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on transistor transistor logic (ttl) with choices dtl, ecl, schokly ttl, and schottky ttl to learn online schools courses. Practice schottky ttl quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for top engineering universities.

MCQs on Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: A combination of a TTL transistor and a Schottky diode is

  1. ECL
  2. DTL
  3. Schokly TTL
  4. Schottky TTL


MCQ: Advanced Schottky TTL series 74AS has propagation delay of

  1. 3 ns
  2. 10 ns
  3. 1.5 ns
  4. 4ns


MCQ: Standard TTL (known as 74 series) has delay product of about

  1. 50 pJ
  2. 60 pJ
  3. 80 pJ
  4. 100 pJ


MCQ: General TTL circuit with one input terminal consist of

  1. 2 stages
  2. 3 stages
  3. 4 stages
  4. 5 stages


MCQ: Series 74ALS Schottky TTL has standard dynamic power of

  1. 2 mW
  2. 1 mW
  3. 20 mW
  4. 30 mW