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Semiconductor Memories MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 2

Semiconductor Memories MCQ with answers PDF, semiconductor memories quiz worksheets with answers key, digital electronics worksheets 2 for online engineering courses. Practice memory chip timing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Semiconductor Memories quiz with answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn memory chip timing, memory chip organization, types of memory career test for employment assessment test.

"Minimum time allowed between two consecutive memory operations are called" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on semiconductor memories with choices memory cycle time, memory access time, memory dynamic time, and memory static time to learn certification courses online. Practice memory chip timing quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for university entrance exam.

MCQs on Semiconductor Memories PDF Download eBook 2

MCQ: Minimum time allowed between two consecutive memory operations are called

  1. memory access time
  2. memory cycle time
  3. memory dynamic time
  4. memory static time


MCQ: Who writes the applied signal into the selected cell?

  1. selector
  2. decoder
  3. encoder
  4. driver


MCQ: 64M bit chip needs

  1. 16 bit address
  2. 24 bit address
  3. 256 bit address
  4. 1024 bit address


MCQ: Sense amplifier of the selected column acts as a

  1. selector
  2. decoder
  3. encoder
  4. driver


MCQ: Memory which is usually of random-access type is termed as

  1. main memory
  2. mass storage memory
  3. second memory
  4. flip flop