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Pass Transistor Logic Circuits Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 3

Pass Transistor Logic Circuits quiz questions and answers PDF, pass transistor logic circuits MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 3 with online free courses. Practice ptl design requirement MCQs, Pass Transistor Logic Circuits MCQ questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn ptl design requirement, ptl basic principle, complementary ptl career test for college entrance examination.

"Transistors are used as switches between nodes of a circuit to pass" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on pass transistor logic circuits with choices positive supply, logic levels, negative supply, and output level to study e-learning courses. Practice ptl design requirement quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for tricky trivia questions.

Pass Transistor Logic Circuits Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 3

MCQ: Transistors are used as switches between nodes of a circuit to pass

  1. logic levels
  2. positive supply
  3. negative supply
  4. output level


MCQ: When clock signal is zero i.e. CK=0 than parasitic capacitance will

  1. charge
  2. discharge
  3. not change
  4. random


MCQ: Multiple logic stages can't be cascaded in

  1. PTL
  2. CPTL
  3. DTL
  4. RTL


MCQ: Complementary pass logic family is based on

  1. multiplier logic
  2. multiplexer logic
  3. additior logic
  4. subtractor logic


MCQ: To implement complementary pass logic family, we need input x and its

  1. output
  2. supply voltage
  3. noise signal
  4. complement