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Pass Transistor Logic Circuits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Pass Transistor Logic Circuits multiple choice questions and answers PDF, pass transistor logic circuits MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 1 for online engineering degrees. Learn ptl basic principle MCQs, Pass Transistor Logic Circuits trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn ptl basic principle, ptl design requirement, complementary ptl, ptl introduction career test for university entrance exam.

"The pass transistor is driven by a periodic clock signal and acts as an access switch to either charge up or charge down the" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on pass transistor logic circuits with choices parasitic capacitance, parasitic resistance, parasitic source, and parasitic inductance to learn online college courses. Practice ptl basic principle quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for associate degrees in engineering.

MCQs on Pass Transistor Logic Circuits Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: The pass transistor is driven by a periodic clock signal and acts as an access switch to either charge up or charge down the

  1. parasitic resistance
  2. parasitic capacitance
  3. parasitic source
  4. parasitic inductance


MCQ: In PTL, every circuit node has all times a low-resistance path to

  1. Vth
  2. vi
  3. vo
  4. VDD


MCQ: When clock signal is active, parasitic capacitance will

  1. charge
  2. discharge
  3. not change
  4. random


MCQ: In CPL, for any logic function, there exist

  1. one control variable
  2. two control variables
  3. three control variables
  4. four control variables


MCQ: Logic reduces the count of transistors used to make different logic gates, by eliminating redundant transistors is called

  1. PTL
  2. TTL
  3. DTL
  4. RTL