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Multivibrators Circuits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Multivibrators Circuits multiple choice questions and answers PDF, multivibrators circuits MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 1 for online engineering degrees. Learn monostable circuit MCQs, Multivibrators Circuits trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn monostable circuit, bistable circuit, astable circuit, cmos monostable circuit career test for free career quiz.

"Multivibrators belong to a family of oscillators commonly called" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on multivibrators circuits with choices dynamic oscillators, relaxation oscillators, stretched oscillators, and static oscillators to learn e-learning courses. Practice monostable circuit quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online engineering programs.

MCQs on Multivibrators Circuits Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: Multivibrators belong to a family of oscillators commonly called

  1. Relaxation oscillators
  2. Dynamic oscillators
  3. Stretched oscillators
  4. Static oscillators


MCQ: Multivibrator in which circuit is stable in either state and can be flipped from one state to the other by an external trigger pulse is termed as

  1. Astable multivibrator
  2. Monostable multivibartor
  3. Bistable multivibrator
  4. Tristable multivibrator


MCQ: In astable circuit, finite output resistance of CMOS will be

  1. neglected
  2. 10 ohms
  3. −∞


MCQ: Circuit which consist of a quasi-stable state is called

  1. bistable circuit
  2. monostable circuit
  3. tri stable circuits
  4. tristate circuit


MCQ: Capacitor discharge interval in monostable circuits is known as

  1. refresh time
  2. recovery time
  3. dynamic time
  4. static time