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BiCMOS Digital Circuits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

BiCMOS Digital Circuits multiple choice questions and answers PDF, bicmos digital circuits MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 1 for online engineering degrees. Learn bicmos inverter MCQs, BiCMOS Digital Circuits trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn bicmos inverter, dynamic operation career test for college entrance examination.

"In BiCMOS inverters, saturation sometimes occurs due to resistance of" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on bicmos digital circuits with choices gate region, drain region, emitter region, and collector region for online college classes. Practice bicmos inverter quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online engineering colleges.

MCQs on BiCMOS Digital Circuits Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: In BiCMOS inverters, saturation sometimes occurs due to resistance of

  1. drain region
  2. gate region
  3. emitter region
  4. collector region


MCQ: BiCMOS as compared to BJTs and MOSFET to fabricate requires

  1. less mask stages
  2. more mask stages
  3. infinite mask stages
  4. no mask stages


MCQ: At large output current in BiCMOS inverters, voltage developed across internal

  1. gate resistance
  2. collector resistance
  3. emitter resistance
  4. drain resistance


MCQ: BiCMOS Inverter has

  1. low input impedance
  2. high input impedance
  3. high output impedance
  4. slow switching speed


MCQ: Speed advantage of BiCMOS become evident only when gate is required to drive a

  1. small fan-out
  2. zero fan-out
  3. large fan-out
  4. infinite fan-out