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BiCMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book BiCMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, BiCMOS Inverter MCQ PDF download to learn free digital electronics online courses. Study BiCMOS Digital Circuits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), BiCMOS Inverter quiz answers PDF for online college classes. The BiCMOS Inverter MCQ App Download: Free learning app for dynamic operation, bicmos inverter test prep for college entrance examination.

The MCQ: In BiCMOS inverters, saturation sometimes occurs due to resistance of; "BiCMOS Inverter" App Download (Free) with answers drain region, gate region, emitter region and collector region for online college classes. Practice bicmos inverter quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online engineering colleges.

BiCMOS Inverter MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: In BiCMOS inverters, saturation sometimes occurs due to resistance of

A) drain region
B) gate region
C) emitter region
D) collector region

MCQ 2: BiCMOS as compared to BJTs and MOSFET to fabricate requires

A) less mask stages
B) more mask stages
C) infinite mask stages
D) no mask stages

MCQ 3: At large output current in BiCMOS inverters, voltage developed across internal

A) gate resistance
B) collector resistance
C) emitter resistance
D) drain resistance

MCQ 4: BiCMOS Inverter has

A) low input impedance
B) high input impedance
C) high output impedance
D) slow switching speed

MCQ 5: Saturation in BiCMOS is harmful because it limits the collector current to a value less than

A) β

Digital Electronics Practice Tests

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BiCMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

BiCMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

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