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Electrical Properties of Dielectric Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 5

Electrical Properties of Dielectric multiple choice questions and answers PDF, electrical properties of dielectric MCQ worksheets with answers key, electromagnetic theory test 5 for online engineering degrees. Learn ionic polarization production MCQs, Electrical Properties of Dielectric trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn ionic polarization production, oriental polarization, electric and magnetic dipoles, dielectric constitutive relationship career test for online engineering programs.

"Ionic polarization is also known as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on electrical properties of dielectric with choices molecular polarization, molecular ionization, electronic polarization, and magnetic polarization to learn online courses. Practice ionic polarization production quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for job placement test.

MCQs on Electrical Properties of Dielectric Quiz PDF Download eBook 5

MCQ: Ionic polarization is also known as

  1. molecular ionization
  2. molecular polarization
  3. electronic polarization
  4. magnetic polarization


MCQ: Charge density which are not permissible to separate the positive and negative charges by an integration surface is termed as

  1. negative charge density
  2. magnetic charge density
  3. unbound surface charge density
  4. bound surface charge density


MCQ: In dpi=Qli, 'li' represents distance between

  1. electrons in orbit
  2. electrons and nucleus
  3. dipole charges
  4. photons and nucleus


MCQ: Permanent electric dipole is referred to as

  1. Electret
  2. Magnetret
  3. Electroet
  4. Grip


MCQ: In D=∊E, 'E' is

  1. electric flux density
  2. electric field intensity
  3. magnetic field intensity
  4. magnetic dipole moment