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Electrical Properties of Dielectric Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Electrical Properties of Dielectric multiple choice questions and answers PDF, electrical properties of dielectric MCQ worksheets with answers key, electromagnetic theory test 1 for online engineering degrees. Learn examining material microscopically MCQs, Electrical Properties of Dielectric trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn examining material microscopically, ferroelectrics, electrical polarization production, electric and magnetic dipoles, nonpolar dielectric materials career test for online engineering graduate colleges.

"When an electric field is applied to a nonpolar or polar dielectric material, on the lower surface there exists a net" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on electrical properties of dielectric with choices negative charge density, positive charge density, neutral charge density, and no charge density for bachelor degree online. Practice examining material microscopically quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online high school and college acceptance.

MCQs on Electrical Properties of Dielectric Quiz PDF Download eBook 1

MCQ: When an electric field is applied to a nonpolar or polar dielectric material, on the lower surface there exists a net

  1. positive charge density
  2. negative charge density
  3. neutral charge density
  4. no charge density


MCQ: Class of dielectric material which exhibit a hysteresis loop of polarization versus electric field is termed as

  1. ferroelectrics
  2. elecrets
  3. ferrites
  4. dipole


MCQ: Material posses electrical polarization in which absence of an applied field and owing to their structure, possess

  1. permanent dipole moment
  2. temporary dipole moment
  3. permanent magnetic
  4. temporary magnet


MCQ: In conductors, opposite charges are separated by

  1. dielectric
  2. insulator
  3. microscopic distances
  4. large distances


MCQ: In absence of applied electric field in nonpolar dielectric materials, charges are averaged in such a way that

  1. opposite charges add each other
  2. opposite charges cancel each other
  3. similar charges add each other
  4. similar charges repel each other