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Nonmonotonic Rules Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Nonmonotonic Rules worksheet with answers PDF, nonmonotonic rules MCQ with answers to solve semantic web test worksheet 69 for online past papers exam. Practice Logic and Inference Rules trivia questions and answers, nonmonotonic rules Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free nonmonotonic rules MCQs, description of owl language, rdf: basic ideas, semantic web technologies, rule markup language (ruleml), nonmonotonic rules test prep for computer and information science.

"To show the difference among monotonic rules, defeasible rules, and standards, the different arrow is used", nonmonotonic rules Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices ?, ?, ?, and ? for online computer engineering classes.

Trivia Quiz on Nonmonotonic Rules PDF Download 69

Nonmonotonic Rules Quiz

MCQ: To show the difference among monotonic rules, defeasible rules, and standards, the different arrow is used

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?


Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Quiz

MCQ: The kernel of RuleML is

  1. predicate
  2. datalog
  3. attribute
  4. element


Semantic Web Technologies Quiz

MCQ: A data model for objects and their relations is called

  1. RDF
  2. XML
  3. HTML
  4. wikis


RDF: Basic Ideas Quiz

MCQ: In artificial intelligence domain, the graph used in RDF graph view is also called

  1. Semantic cycle
  2. Semantic tree
  3. Semantic Web
  4. Semantic structure


Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: To define distinct objects in OWL, the element used is

  1. owl:one of
  2. rdfs:subClassOf
  3. owl:differentFrom
  4. owl:unionOf