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Processing of XML Language Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Processing of XML Language multiple choice questions and answers PDF, processing of xml language quiz answers to learn semantic web worksheet 23 for online mock test. Practice Semantic Web Vision quiz with answers, processing of xml language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free processing of xml language MCQs, owl and rdf/rdfs, introduction to semantic web, monotonic rules, rdf: xml-based syntax, processing of xml language test prep for online degrees.

"In XSLT document, tags cannot be inserted in the values of", processing of xml language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices tags, elements, attributes, and template for online computer engineering classes.

Processing of XML Language Questions and Answers PDF Download 23

Processing of XML Language Quiz

MCQ: In XSLT document, tags cannot be inserted in the values of

  1. elements
  2. tags
  3. attributes
  4. template


RDF: XML-Based Syntax Quiz

MCQ: To remove inconsistency of objects IDs In RDF document, # notation is used in

  1. rdf:resource attribute
  2. nested description
  3. rdf:type element
  4. container elements


Monotonic Rules Quiz

MCQ: A finite set of rules and fact is called

  1. predicate programs
  2. logic programs
  3. fact programs
  4. rule programs


Introduction to Semantic Web Quiz

MCQ: The limitation of XML is lack of

  1. data interchange
  2. standard framework
  3. Semantics
  4. parsers



MCQ: Class X is equivalent to class Y, and class Y is equivalent to class Z, then X is equivalent to Z, also. This is called

  1. Consistency
  2. Classification
  3. Class membership
  4. Equivalence of Classes