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Ontology Engineering Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Ontology Engineering worksheet with answers PDF, ontology engineering MCQ with answers to solve semantic web test worksheet 105 for online past papers exam. Practice Ontology Engineering trivia questions and answers, ontology engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free ontology engineering MCQs, introduction to logic and inference rules, owl and rdf/rdfs, rule markup language (ruleml), rdf: xml-based syntax, ontology engineering test prep for computer information science.

"The acronym fro UMLS is", ontology engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices unified medical language system, unidentified medical language system, unidentified medical language semantics, and unified medical language semantics to learn certification courses online.

Trivia Quiz on Ontology Engineering PDF Download 105

Ontology Engineering Quiz

MCQ: The acronym fro UMLS is

  1. Unidentified Medical Language System
  2. Unified Medical Language System
  3. Unidentified Medical Language Semantics
  4. Unified Medical Language Semantics


RDF: XML-Based Syntax Quiz

MCQ: In RDF document, a type of container element used for naming the content is

  1. rdf:Seq
  2. rdf:Alt
  3. rdf:_1, rdf:_2, and so on
  4. rdf:Bag


Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Quiz

MCQ: In datalog RuleML vocabulary, the word used for body is

  1. body
  2. Rel
  3. head
  4. Ind



MCQ: One of the limitation of RDFS is unable to use class combination properties like union, intersection, or complement due to lack of

  1. Boolean combination of classes
  2. cardinality restrictions
  3. special characteristics of properties
  4. Local scope of properties


Introduction to Logic and Inference Rules Quiz

MCQ: Rule based systems are also called

  1. Horn Logic
  2. description logics
  3. reactive rules
  4. nonmonotonic rules


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