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Microkernel Architecture Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Microkernel Architecture trivia questions and answers, microkernel architecture quiz answers PDF to solve operating system mock test 42 for online degrees. Practice Threads, SMP and Microkernels trivia questions and answers, microkernel architecture Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online university degrees. Free microkernel architecture MCQs, what operating system do, system calls in operating system, microkernel architecture test prep for online computer engineering programs.

"A microkernel architecture works well in the context of an", microkernel architecture Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices internal device, object oriented operating system, interface, and attractive feature to learn certification courses online. Learn threads, smp and microkernels questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer information science.

Trivia Quiz on Microkernel Architecture PDF Download eBook

Microkernel Architecture Quiz

MCQ: A microkernel architecture works well in the context of an

  1. Object Oriented Operating System
  2. Internal device
  3. Interface
  4. Attractive Feature


System calls in Operating System Quiz

MCQ: The prewritten classes that includes java packages, classes and interfaces along with methods are known as

  1. Java Application Programming Interface (API)
  2. API
  3. Programming interface
  4. Object based interface


What operating system do Quiz

MCQ: One that is not a part of a computer system is

  1. hardware
  2. operating system
  3. users
  4. vendors


What operating system do Quiz

MCQ: Along with kernel, operating system also contains

  1. system application
  2. software application
  3. hardware resources
  4. both a and b


Operating system structure Quiz

MCQ: Job pool is the program of the operating system that is located in

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. hard disk
  4. Cache