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Hexadecimal Number System Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Hexadecimal Number System multiple choice questions and answers PDF, hexadecimal number system quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 227 for online mock test. Practice Number Systems quiz with answers, hexadecimal number system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free hexadecimal number system MCQs, computer generations, tape controller, harvard mark i, assembly language, hexadecimal number system test prep for free online classes.

"The conversion of a number to a base 10 requires", hexadecimal number system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices determine row value, determine digit, determine column value, and determine base value to learn computing courses online.

Hexadecimal Number System Questions and Answers PDF Download 227

Hexadecimal Number System Quiz

MCQ: The conversion of a number to a base 10 requires

  1. Determine digit
  2. Determine row value
  3. Determine column value
  4. Determine base value


Assembly Language Quiz

MCQ: Which of the following is not a storage location code in assembly language?

  1. FRST
  2. SCND
  3. DATA
  4. ANSR


Harvard Mark I Quiz

MCQ: Wiring system used in MARK I series deployment is said to be of

  1. 400 miles
  2. 500 miles
  3. 600 miles
  4. 700 miles


Tape Controller Quiz

MCQ: Updation of the contents of tape header level is commanded by the tape controller with command known to be

  1. Write tape header level
  2. Update tape header level
  3. Alter tape header level
  4. Drop tape header level


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Operating systems with a graphical user interface were introduced in the

  1. Second Generation
  2. Third Generation
  3. Fourth Generation
  4. Fifth Generation