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Size and Depth Perception Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Size and Depth Perception quiz questions and answers PDF, size and depth perception trivia questions to solve HCI worksheet 7 for online certification exam. Practice Visual Perception quiz questions with answers, size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free size and depth perception MCQs, color perception, ears as input output channel, size and depth perception test prep for cheapest online computer science degree.

"The perception of size by human eye depends upon the factor of", size and depth perception Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices color and height in human field of view, size and height in human field of view, size and color in human field of view, and light and color in human field of view to study computer engineering courses.

Quiz on Size and Depth Perception PDF Download 7

Size and Depth Perception Quiz

MCQ: The perception of size by human eye depends upon the factor of

  1. size and height in human field of view
  2. color and height in human field of view
  3. size and color in human field of view
  4. light and color in human field of view


Ears as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: In human hearing process, the amplification of sounds is the responsibility of

  1. inner ear
  2. middle ear
  3. medium ear
  4. outer ear


Color perception Quiz

MCQ: The size of spectral wavelength of the light is defined as

  1. intensity
  2. saturation
  3. hue
  4. contrast


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The distribution of Y-cells in human vision system allows to perceive

  1. peripheral vision
  2. vision movement
  3. central vision
  4. vertical vision


Eyes as Input Output Channel Quiz

MCQ: The type of ganglion cells that enables the early detection of image pattern are called

  1. A-cells
  2. Z-cells
  3. Y-cells
  4. X-cells